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Effect of dandruff on hair: does it affect hair growth?

Research has shown that a sensitive scalp can actually damage your hair. When hair grows from a dandruff-affected scalp it suffers significantly more cuticle and protein damage than hair that grows from a healthy scalp.

woman with dark wavy hair in an unusual hairstyle

Moreover, if you have an itchy scalp as a result of your dandruff then scratching could further damage the hair, causing split ends and breakage more easily. 

So if you have dandruff, while your hair may grow at the same rate, the hair that grows is likely to be less healthy and more prone to damage and breakage. 

What causes dandruff? 

What you can do 

Start by taking good care of your scalp. Head & Shoulders anti-dandruff shampoos don’t just wash away flakes, they also help tackle the root cause of dandruff to revitalise your scalp. 

It means your hair grows from a healthy foundation and is stronger and less likely to break as easily. 

Find your perfect anti-dandruff shampoo